Alice and Gabi Gelli are sisters, artists and cariocas. The duo’s research dwells on the perspective of coming to- gether, of exchange and time. 
The search for corporal materialism interests them both when it comes to the excessive digitalization of spaces. There’s a desire towards the rescue of physical exchanges, looking in the eye and the impact of the work on the body.In the past five years, they have held solo exhibitions such as ‘Our Grandmothers Knew’ at the Cultural Center of Correios (RJ), ‘When It Ceased to be’ at Lurixs Gallery (RJ), ‘Atlantic Between Us’ at Brisa Gallery (Lisbon, in partner- ship with Daniel Mattar), an exhibition and residency at Oasis (RJ), and they have also participated in international projects such as the group exhibition ‘Bleu’ in Paris with Bianca Boeckel Gallery, and the Jaguar Parade, an art auc- tion related to the preservation of the jaguar ecosystem in Latin America.