Rachele Frison, born on January 16, 1995, is an emerging Italian artist based in Milan. She completed her studies at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts until April 2023, following which she began participating in group exhibitions, 

Initially in Switzerland and later in Italy, China, and Denmark. Prior to delving into painting, Rachele embarked on a lengthy journey focused on drawing, a practice that holds a pivotal role in shaping her oil paintings. Her interest in hatching within drawing occasionally translates into her pictorial works. Her artistic upbringing is intertwined with the realms of illustration, fairy tales, and art history. Drawing inspiration from these realms, Rachele derives the forms, figures, and compositions that populate her paintings. The atmospheres she creates are intimate, nocturnal, dreamlike, and primal, drawing from folkloric narratives associated with witches and water lilies.